A journey into the unknown, where fate weaves its own story...
The adventure begins soon...
In the land of Marona, a subcontinent rich with life and bounty, the people have long lived in harmony with the earth. Rolling plains stretch as far as the eye can see, dotted with fertile farmlands and ancient forests. Majestic mountains watch over the land, their peaks hiding untold treasures deep within their roots. Rivers cut through the landscape, nourishing all life and binding the people together in prosperity.
Marona is known as a land where all races, cultures, and peoples coexist peacefully. There is no place for the prejudice or wars that have troubled other lands. In Marona, the only measure of a person is their character, not their heritage. The town of Briarhill, where you and your companions have spent your lives, stands at the heart of this fertile land—a bustling farming community where every harvest is a celebration, and every year is filled with hope for the future.
You and your companions have known each other for as long as you can remember. Whether you toiled in the fields, explored the nearby forests, or trained under one of Briarhill's many skilled artisans, you've always shared a bond forged by the land you call home. Together, you've faced the trials of growing up in this peaceful corner of the world, and now, as adults, you've begun to forge your own paths. Though your lives have been simple, whispers of strange occurrences have begun to spread—rumors of a creeping sickness that has started to affect the once-thriving fields, and strange creatures spotted in the hills near Granite Hold.
Life in Marona has always been predictable, safe, and abundant, but change is in the air. Something is stirring beneath the surface of the land. The elders say the crops have never failed, and the creatures that have begun to emerge from the depths have not been seen for generations. The people of Briarhill are worried, but for now, they trust in the wisdom of Elder Liora and the strength of the community.
As you gather in the familiar town square of Briarhill, the bells ring, signaling a meeting called by Elder Liora. You and your companions stand shoulder to shoulder with the townsfolk, all of you wondering what could cause such urgency. The crisp morning air carries with it the scent of fresh earth and the distant songs of birds. But as the crowd falls silent, a new tension settles over the town, like the stillness before a storm.
Though you've grown up together in this peaceful land, you sense that things are about to change. This is where your story begins—a story of ancient mysteries, untold dangers, and a journey that will take you far from the safety of your home. What lies ahead is unknown, but you will face it together, as you always have.
The fate of Marona—and perhaps more—may rest in your hands.